Beloved Women’s Ministry Brand

Services Provided


Brand Identity


Print Collateral

Generation Church Women’s Ministry was ready to name themselves and create a cohesive brand experience. In previous years, they had held a conference called “Be:” and they wanted to incorporate that into their new identity. After workshopping the name, we came up with “Beloved” with the idea of a love letter to the women of Generation church. To create a new brand under the parent brand, Generation Church, I used the main logo as a reference and created a custom hand-lettered word mark. To bring in the “Be:” component, I created an identity that can combine the BE letter portion of the logo and different elements or words for different messages or usages. For the colors, we landed on a palette that used soft blues and pinks and tied them into existing dark blues and yellows from the Generation brand. I built out brand elements that reflected the love letter components such as a stamp with custom illustrated flowers and two different seals. The church is housed in a retro theater, so it was obvious we wanted to pay homage to that in some small ways. I did this by making a custom icon of the theater marquee and a logo lockup that was a movie ticket.


Rachel Hogue – Brand Identity Design, Creative Direction, Print Design


Generation Church

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